
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

101 update

Ello There,
I have..... a .....surprise for you.
 Well it was more of a surprise for/to me. Anywho, I was pondering topics to plug into this obis we call a blog when I decided to take a stroll over to my infinite yet sadly laking 101list. To confess; if you haven't peeked at it lately either it is still not completely filled with inspirational things to do. So its has become more of a "Things I hOpe todo Someday that May or May not add up to a Splotchy 101List". Moving along...... I was surprisingly delighted to discover that I had inadvertently accomplished a few Splotchy Items!! Yay me for not paying attention :]
So here's a list of the Ones I dominated with  out much planning involved accompanied by bursts of explanations.

{Tattooed Forearm}--Lets see I had been sitt'n at work when I had this over whelming urge to get another tattoo. Now back up a wee bit I knew I wanted one for several months just couldn't figure out what I wanted to permanently place on my body. Until that moment. I debated skipping out alittle long on our fund raising yard sale for road tripping to San Francisco but debated that I would be in more trouble than not. Skipping alot of dialog I asked a few friends to accompany me to our local parlor (to make sure I didn't chicken out or second guess myself- lol) and Waa La I know bear the gorgeous scripting that reads "Breath Love". Reason for statement is that we all know how hot headed I can get and how harsh my words/actions can be. This little ink is a reminder to slow down, breath before acting and to attempt  to deal with situations out of love.
{Re pierce my Nose}--Done same day as my Tattoo. The Parents of the Owner of the parlor I attended are close friends of my Parents. So He gave me a good deal to get it done the same day ;]
{Attend another Church}--Actually I attend two!! Both with my Evangelist Friend Anthony who travels from church to church during the summer. Of course both Churches were Hispanic and I didn't understand one word at all. Besides the cultural difference I had fun and even went back to one of then by myself. (No worries I'll be staying at my church for a while)
{Find a New Friend}--I am super proud of myself for this one.....even if she is the one who made it happen!! I met my new friend at one of Our Young Adults/Youth events. I ended up praying for her and having a small chat about nonsense in general. I super suck at this point cause I didn't make any effort to friend her on my own. She just kept coming to church stuff with a mutual friend and eventually I fell head over heels for her quirkiness. I know we're real friends cause shes in my phone and we're FACEBOOK friends (she even comments on my posts; that's a true friend)
{Brazilian Wax}--No matter how awkward we all find this, THE answer is YES I really did it and we will leave it as that said.
{Authentic Italian Food}--Thank God of San Francisco. I know I know it wasn't Italian food in Italy, but in my defence I probably would have an orgasm then died from the pure deliciousness that real honest to God Italy made Italian Food would have mixed into it. Either way our Waiter was crazy and the food was close to Heavenly......Oh!! I had Alfredo plus noodles and on another day I had a monster slice of Pepperoni Pizza, YUMmmmmm
{"Me" Playlist}--I started one then scrapped it for reasons unknown even to my inner being. However I have a kick'n playlist on my phone that has a tune for every mood, situation, and person. Well almost I'm constantly add songs all the time. I love it!!
{Camera}--I finally GOT ONE :] Oh and ain't she a Beaut (sighs contently) she is a Canon: Rebel 3Ti. I use her often and have saved many butts of those who where supposed to be prepared. My new dreams of expanding my photo addiction is a bigger lens and a tripod. Someday I will be a hot photographer.......Someday.