
Thursday, March 31, 2011


I had
no idea how out of shape
I was until tonight.
Mom, Mylie, Moo, and me went on a walk about.
We were only gone for a hour. But, oh man it forsure was a hour done good.
In the short run it obber suck, but in the long run it'll will be a pleasing activity that reflects in the size of my ass :)
#38 of the "The List" is now in process.
I'm feeling a bit more confident in myself and getting my goals accomplished.
Plus in another 6days we may have a solid routine down then I can
label #10 in process.
WhooT WhooT!!
I'm lov'n "The List".
And My Mom is benifiting from it too :)
Oh and cutos to Mylie and Moo, you guys did AweSome!!

Side Note: Mylie when she was a puppy! Oh she was sooo small.
Now she is fat, but thats ok because we gonna get in shape. OH YEAH!!
The most Beautiful person I know is affectionate, dramatic, motivated,

a leader of generations, poetic, confident, headstrong,

a fighter against the odds, loud when needed, eternal, unstoppable,

a songbird, Dancer, Intensity, Bombshell, infectious, companionable,

present, Wonderful, authentic, Extravagant, back up, Commander, Rhythmic,

Sugary, Racy, Personal, Diamond, dictator, Thrilling, Magnetic,

Humorous, Spoken for, Warrior, student, Friend, Sparkling,

mis-taken, worthy, creative, opinionated, impatient, Whole, straight up,

Center of attention, reliance, writer, Mothering,

expectant, slick, dreamer, intrepid,

and she is My Sister.

Kimberly Austin Herker is all these things and more. I wanted to post this as a reminder that I love her more and more each day. In spite of our differences. That she is perfect in the way that God made her. That no matter what negative things I do as a sister because I simply suck sometimes. I am still in love with her. That no matter what I will always forgive her when she does dumb things too. And most of all I will Always be here and there for her.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MY 1001 LIST


I've completed my 1001 list!


1-find a coffee infused drink that I enjoy

2-finish Eat, Pray, Love the book then blog my opinion

3-volunteer at an mental institution

4-take a community class in photography

5-learn to speak Italian

6-read Jane Eyre

7-visit San Fransisco for two weeks

8-walk around everywhere for entire day bare foot

9-get a Brazilian wax

10-obtain my healthy weight[125-130lbs]

11-watch all the seasons of "Friends"

12-take a hip-hop class

13-grow out my hair to my shoulder blades

14-send out birthday cards to my close family members

15-bake my way through a pastry book

16- buy a Venus fly trap

17-buy an orchid

18-completely henna my hands

19-get two more tattoos [one on my forearm and another on my foot]

20-re pierce my nose

21-experience a Catholic service

22-buy a leather jacket

23-take a camping trip

24-attend another church for a month

25-eat alone in a restaurant, not just in my car

26-go to a farmers market/swap meet

27-take a yoga class

28-start a new friendship

29-payoff all debts

30-eat authentic Thai food

31-cook my way through a cookbook

32-drink BEER with pizza

33-find and use a new word each day

34-go to a tanning salon every other day for two weeks

35-eat carrots once a day for three days

36-start and finish the scrapbook I got for Kimberly

37-go on a blind date

38-walk Mylie [my dog] everyday for a week [in hopes it becomes a routine]

39-buy the biggest Crayola box available

40-ride a city bus for an entire day

41-make a giant mod-posh collage of what I want, believe, think, am, where to go, just simply everything out of magazine clippings

42-paint my night stand red

43-donate blood and plasma

44-go to the culture festival

45-move out of my parents house

46-give up soda for a month

47-buy a new bed

48-watch all of the "Harry Potter" Movies in one day!

49-buy a TV and DVD player of my own

50-buy a camera

51-buy a laptop

52-stand over the border of each state touching Utah

53-Improve my ASL

54-buy a red dress

55-volunteer at a children's ward

56-touch an elephant

57-go to the zoo for a day

58-buy a purse that I absolutely love

59-Paint one picture!!

60-use recyclable bags at the grocery store

61-collect over 200 movies [DVDs] of my own

62-learn to skip a stone on water

63-read Catcher in the Rye

64-take a glass blowing class

65-eat authentic Italian food

66-buy a cardigan with pockets

67-make a blanket

68-forget Facebook for a week

69- be a vegetarian for a week

70-go to a play of Alice and Wonderland

71-burp the A B Cs

72-learn to make the popping sound with my mouth and finger

73-learn to whistle

74-paint all my toes and fingers a different color

75-make my own flower headbands

76-meet someone who is full Irish

77-read The Vagina Monologues

78-Gyrate in an elevator

79-read all of Jane Austin's works

80-take a drive with the intention of getting lost

81-count three blessings each day

82-keep a notebook of quotes and nothing but quotes

83-find my "word" or personal quote

84-Do a Daniel Fast for three days

85-wear a wig for a whole day

86-go to a bar during my 21st year

87-take a cake decorating class

89-buy a clear umbrella with rain boots

90-go to a movie theater alone

91-go on a road trip with a friend

92-go solo for a weekend

93-make a "Me" specific play list

94-collect the most epic music collection EVER!!

95-pamper my car with new tires

96-be silent for a day

97-eliminate the non words "um" and "k" from my vocabulary

98-wear blue contacts

99-write a poem

100-eat some place new once a month

101-have my wisdom teeth extracted

The End


I had started this blog with great anticipation.

That I would express to the world my extreme thoughts and ideas of greatness.

That I would record all the happening of my life

That I would be inspired to write more

That I would become a more cultured person, a more adventurous person, a more wanted person . . . .

And the list continues this way for miles upon miles then kilometers beyond that. In all reality my life has taken a turn for the worst. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially. I thought that I was just in all the pulling away I was attempting. Only to succeed in hurting myself more than was actually needed.

Last week I watched "Eat, Pray, Love" with my mom. I was side swiped by how much I wanted to be this person who gives up on the disappointment of life, decides that she will find out who she is, and find the balance she craves in spirituality and the world. To accompilsh this she travels to Italy for the pleasure, India for the devotion and Indonesia for the balance of both pleasure and devotion. I immediately wanted to fly across the ocean to Italy, India, and Indonesia. Find who I was and get back to my once "ok" life.

What I realized was that I can't just pack up. The first problem was the lack of fair dust adn the second was the lack of money. I don't have any of either that goes beyond what covers my bills. Third problem was that I want to learn to find happiness here.

So to reinvent myself and find this balance of spirit and world I decided to barrow the 1001 list from another amazing blogger who I stumbled across just this afternoon. Its a list that gives you about 2.75 years to complete, many seasons for the organization and planing of completing tasks that need just a little more devotion.

In doing this I hope to find a little more me. Find a little more joy in the world. And find out where I truly stand in my beliefs. I'll have my list posted by Thursday night :0)