I've completed my 1001 list!
1-find a coffee infused drink that I enjoy
2-finish Eat, Pray, Love the book then blog my opinion
3-volunteer at an mental institution
4-take a community class in photography
5-learn to speak Italian
6-read Jane Eyre
7-visit San Fransisco for two weeks
8-walk around everywhere for entire day bare foot
9-get a Brazilian wax
10-obtain my healthy weight[125-130lbs]
11-watch all the seasons of "Friends"
12-take a hip-hop class
13-grow out my hair to my shoulder blades
14-send out birthday cards to my close family members
15-bake my way through a pastry book
16- buy a Venus fly trap
17-buy an orchid
18-completely henna my hands
19-get two more tattoos [one on my forearm and another on my foot]
20-re pierce my nose
21-experience a Catholic service
22-buy a leather jacket
23-take a camping trip
24-attend another church for a month
25-eat alone in a restaurant, not just in my car
26-go to a farmers market/swap meet
27-take a yoga class
28-start a new friendship
29-payoff all debts
30-eat authentic Thai food
31-cook my way through a cookbook
32-drink BEER with pizza
33-find and use a new word each day
34-go to a tanning salon every other day for two weeks
35-eat carrots once a day for three days
36-start and finish the scrapbook I got for Kimberly
37-go on a blind date
38-walk Mylie [my dog] everyday for a week [in hopes it becomes a routine]
39-buy the biggest Crayola box available
40-ride a city bus for an entire day
41-make a giant mod-posh collage of what I want, believe, think, am, where to go, just simply everything out of magazine clippings
42-paint my night stand red
43-donate blood and plasma
44-go to the culture festival
45-move out of my parents house
46-give up soda for a month
47-buy a new bed
48-watch all of the "Harry Potter" Movies in one day!
49-buy a TV and DVD player of my own
50-buy a camera
51-buy a laptop
52-stand over the border of each state touching Utah
53-Improve my ASL
54-buy a red dress
55-volunteer at a children's ward
56-touch an elephant
57-go to the zoo for a day
58-buy a purse that I absolutely love
59-Paint one picture!!
60-use recyclable bags at the grocery store
61-collect over 200 movies [DVDs] of my own
62-learn to skip a stone on water
63-read Catcher in the Rye
64-take a glass blowing class
65-eat authentic Italian food
66-buy a cardigan with pockets
67-make a blanket
68-forget Facebook for a week
69- be a vegetarian for a week
70-go to a play of Alice and Wonderland
71-burp the A B Cs
72-learn to make the popping sound with my mouth and finger
73-learn to whistle
74-paint all my toes and fingers a different color
75-make my own flower headbands
76-meet someone who is full Irish
77-read The Vagina Monologues
78-Gyrate in an elevator
79-read all of Jane Austin's works
80-take a drive with the intention of getting lost
81-count three blessings each day
82-keep a notebook of quotes and nothing but quotes
83-find my "word" or personal quote
84-Do a Daniel Fast for three days
85-wear a wig for a whole day
86-go to a bar during my 21st year
87-take a cake decorating class
89-buy a clear umbrella with rain boots
90-go to a movie theater alone
91-go on a road trip with a friend
92-go solo for a weekend
93-make a "Me" specific play list
94-collect the most epic music collection EVER!!
95-pamper my car with new tires
96-be silent for a day
97-eliminate the non words "um" and "k" from my vocabulary
98-wear blue contacts
99-write a poem
100-eat some place new once a month
101-have my wisdom teeth extracted
The End