Hey there little Blogger Bloggerton!! Its been ages once again; my dearest apologies. I have a great many tales to tell you of. Oh yes! Yes I do. The first and for most extravagant change that has occurred since the last time we spoke has been my relocation. Not including my parental units. I have struck out on my own. I have spread my wings. Flying solo. Being accountable to no one.
OooH and is it glorious!!
I relish being a female out on my own. To set the scene of my new abode: I am living in the poe-dunk town locally titled Santaquin, Ut {its really not that bad}. My roommates consists of two strapping young men. Haha seriously I living with my buddies Robert and Quinn. In all reality I'm mostly just boarding with Robert since Quinn has taken to the adventure of becoming a Truck driver hence he is never home to count as a whole person in the first place. Our "Bach Pad" also known as 'The House of Creature' {for reasons to vast to begin explaining} is blank to say the least. We have an obscene amount of seating for our wee living room with not an ounce of homeyness insight. Our dinning room seating is an even more dastardly concoction. The kitchen is appeasing. I have found that I actually like cooking probably because I have to now {giggle}! The bathrooms I'm not going to mention since I live with two men; you can only imagine. We're working on that issue. My room on the other hand screams SYDNEE!! Everything about it states this is a room of one who is an extremely amazing person. I heart my room.
I heart my whole life. I am beyond blessed. God has taken my from a place of chaos and triple dipped me in peace, love, and growth. On top of all this good stuff He has also placed another in my own little world of Syd who has become my closest friend. More on Him later....
Ta Ta for Now!