Have you seen it?
There it goes!!
Did ya catch it?
No? Oh... I saw it.
The Courtesy Smile.
Oh its horrible that smile
its the smile of strangers who walk pass you and just to be "NICE" the flash you this fake grin. like it'll make your day better or somethin. in all honest it sets me on edge. i begin to wonder why their smiling at me? its not like your set of teeth are shouting hello at me or making me feel any less awkward that you've noticed that i glanced in your direction.
if your lucky you might find someone who gives the real deal. an actual smile that shows the joy of the owners life. the joy they have to just see you walking by or sitting there giving them a glance.
i have committed the crime of walk-by-courtesy smiles. if your like me and on the giving end of this smile. you may experience the same effects that i do. whenever i flash someone the courtesy grin i always immediately feel stupid afterwards. plus the odd look or half assed smile that i may or may not receive back makes the whole thing worst somehow.
so if your going to smile at some one make sure that its a real one. a honest to God solid smile that says "Hi, I'm glad your alive and passing me now!!" oh and be sure to brush your teeth. any smile housing dirty teeth is always an unwanted one.