Hola Friends,
i must say it has been a while with no good excuse; i do apologize. However in that while i did complete one number of my 101 list!!
well 1/2 of a number do to recently learned extremely important information.
i GAVE PLASMA. yes sir I did. On thursday May 12 i decided that it was time to give blood. i googled donating blood in my local town, called up the donation center for some information, and ended up with an appointment. it was quit simple. me mom even decided to tag along to donate her blood too.
OH and FYI you cant donate whole blood while donating plasma. now that you know that, my mother and i actually donated plasma. that's why i say only 1/2 of this listed number was completed. i'm ok with that. the way i figure; since we're not allowed to donate both whole blood and plasma because of the "rules" it was allowed to be checked off anyways.
as for my experience i would say that it was an overall 7 on the 1-10scale. reason being that they want you to eat a 1/2hr before coming so that you don't get sick while on the table. except we didn't actually get on the donating table until 3/12hrs later (for me) and 4hrs later (for me mother).
(all because of necessary testing they have to do before letting you donate)
by then neither of us had much by the way of food in our stomachs. both of us ended up not feeling so hot. i actually dried heaved for approximately 10minutes. it OOber SUCKed!!
since then we both of gone back twice each time being an improvement over the first. we make sure to drink loads of H2O and eat before then again after. i recommend donating plasma to anyone who can. no matter the bad experience you or i may have somebody is alive because of it. i have listed the info for the center i attend below in case you would like to get involved (you are compensated for your time w/$$). and make sure to put down that i (Sydnee Anne Herker) sent you ;)
Biomat USA Orem Plasma Donation Center
349 East University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058-7639
(801) 235-9800
(i did get a little lost the first time, just call they can help you find where they are)