if your an avid "Syd's Blog" reader you'll have noticed i made some changes to my 101list.
i decided that several items placed where not necessarily life altering or self finding.
ThaT's the whole PoInt of my LISt!!
so. to rectify thing mistake i went over my list with a fine tooth comb.
i deleted the ones that wouldn't alter how i see my self. i deleted the ones that didn't give opportunity for self exploration. i deleted the ones that were simply materialistic items i wanted. [ :) ] i deleted the ones that weren't absolutely positively what i wanted.
now there are multiple blank spots that need refilling. as to what is going to fill up these lonely spaces.
i have NO idea!!
Oh But WAIT!! your reading this and you are a person who has lived and you can type.
I beg of you IF you've got any nuggets of idea to pass on for my white places. please do some pass'n!!
i need your help, my poor poor blog has spaces!