The most Beautiful person I know is affectionate, dramatic, motivated,
a leader of generations, poetic, confident, headstrong,
a fighter against the odds, loud when needed, eternal, unstoppable,
a songbird, Dancer, Intensity, Bombshell, infectious, companionable,
present, Wonderful, authentic, Extravagant, back up, Commander, Rhythmic,
Sugary, Racy, Personal, Diamond, dictator, Thrilling, Magnetic,
Humorous, Spoken for, Warrior, student, Friend, Sparkling,
mis-taken, worthy, creative, opinionated, impatient, Whole, straight up,
Center of attention, reliance, writer, Mothering,
expectant, slick, dreamer, intrepid,
and she is My Sister.
Kimberly Austin Herker is all these things and more. I wanted to post this as a reminder that I love her more and more each day. In spite of our differences. That she is perfect in the way that God made her. That no matter what negative things I do as a sister because I simply suck sometimes. I am still in love with her. That no matter what I will always forgive her when she does dumb things too. And most of all I will Always be here and there for her.