
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Praise God Again & Again

My nick-name proceeds me once again. For those of you who don't my most commonly use alternative title it would be skydmark. The title originates from a summer of bravery that was unnecessary in my childhood. Our good family friend Heather was there to witness this brave heroin act and daubed me with the name. More people seem to have picked up on the use of Skydmark recently adding a slight twist to it. Now titling me Skydnee. I do like being called Skydnee. And I know that the reason for the original naming was justified and there have been other clever moments that add to the reasoning that this is a good fit for me.

Tonight was one of those clever moments.

I had just dropped off my friend Kim in American Fork after our devotional in Santaquin. My next stop was Pastor Gene's home to drop off my other friend Sarah in Orem. Being clever I thought I would just carry on through Lindon and into Orem. While being stopped at a light gave me time for another clever idea to take place, the idea of taking what I call the back roads. These are just roads that take you around all the lights and headaches of the cities. Turns out I don't know the roads as well as I use to. After getting lost in the dark and seeing detour after detour sign I decided to just get back to the freeway, head to Pastor's house the for sure way, get Sarah home, then get my little sister Kim and me home asap.

When out'a no where ANOTHER clever idea bounces it's way into my head. It tells me to take the turn just to my right, that it'll get me on to the road to Pastor's house and we'll be in the home stretch. Come to find out it wasn't a road, but a dead end!! Slamming on my breaks at what may (or may have not) been close to 60mph, Sliding a good 20ft, we came to a halting stop. Leaving empressively massive black skidmarks on the pavement.

Thank Jesus that he provided me with an AmAzing car that's breaks work and stopped us, cause if we would have slid another 6in my car would have been toss over the curb causing major damage to both the car and us. I just wana say that my God is a BIG BIG God and that the only kind of skidmarks I make are of rubber on road.


Good Night All and Drive Safe ;)